AmmarSprouse c:

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For Teen. MrSM Baling. first batch. 140397 ,smart ? LOL :D . So , I can't make your jealous cause I'm imperfect . Give your support n I'll support you . Follow me if your heart told you to do so, kay ? FiN

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


what it means,
doyou all know

kalau tahu jawab lah
takot nak jwb
x pe, aku tak makan korang
just aku mntk duit korang

ceh takde laa
80 tu maksud berat.

still tak paham?
ok it means 80kg


is it real
yes itis
i've gainedup ??kg
till 80kg

so shocked
well, at home there is many

i can stand my DUGAAN
so i eat all the food
than getting fat

so, lepas nih
kene banyak bersenam.