AmmarSprouse c:

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For Teen. MrSM Baling. first batch. 140397 ,smart ? LOL :D . So , I can't make your jealous cause I'm imperfect . Give your support n I'll support you . Follow me if your heart told you to do so, kay ? FiN

Thursday, June 2, 2011

HoMEWoRK ! >:/

really, inilah ap yg aku rsa skrg
asal cuti je homework ,asal homework je cuti
ap nk jd klau tiap2 cuti kasi homework

"itu lah cara nak berjaya bengap"

sorry, honestly
bru siap dua homework yaitu Math n Agama

ada satu bende aku x ske tntg homework ni adalah slalu je tertggl homework kat maktab then ckg tanya "nape x siap" kalau ckp tertggl kat maktab cikgu
sah kne pelmpang punye

so, kalau tertggl kertas geo, kne rush lah buat sbb 10 pembetulan 1 kslhn beb
boleh heart stop nih

so rajin2 kan ah diri anda buat homework
dan jgn lupa bwk homework balik
(jd mcm sy kang)

That's All